
'ready to' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'ready to' with 20 example sentences.

  • Get ready to open the doors.
  • We're not ready to throw in the towel.
  • Are you ready to hear the bad news?
  • I'm always ready to help you.
  • We are ready to defend the country.
  • She said she was ready to go.
  • He's ready to begin.
  • I'm getting ready to leave tomorrow.
  • The probe is ready to be launched into space.
  • Are you ready to fly?
  • I'm not ready to die.
  • I'll wait here until you're ready to leave.
  • I'm ready to forgive her.
  • The soldiers were ready to die for their country.
  • He says he isn't ready to give up.
  • I'm ready to face any challenge.
  • You look like you're ready to celebrate.
  • She was ready to help him with cleaning the house.
  • They say that they aren't ready to go.
  • I'm ready to work.
  • Words near 'ready to' in the dictionary